Addiction and Mental Health Support Services

Palliative Care Services

The Community Wellness Council is made up of over 60 people all with an interest to create a health and social care system in Dufferin – Caledon that is focused on what matters to everyone. Its members all have an equal voice at the table.

The Community Wellness Council members agree that it is expected that everyone (patients, caregivers, care providers, doctors, community members) will courageously work together to create a health and social care system that improves health and wellness by:

  • Sharing ideas openly
  • Listening to understand different points of view
  • Being respectful of other’s ideas and the situation as they see it
  • Focusing on solving the problem when we disagree
  • Participating in ways to check our improvement

The Community Wellness Council has a shared purpose, a term of reference and a workplan to continue making progress within the broader Hills of Headwaters Collaborative Ontario Health Team.

The group meets quarterly. If you are interested in getting involved, please connect with us at

Access more information about the Community Wellness Council

No. We do not anticipate any changes to patient and primary care physician relationship.

Patients are assigned to an Ontario Health Team based on how and where they use health care services rather than “where they live”.

We are health and social care organizations and providers working together to improve the overall well-being of Dufferin-Caledon. We include family physicians, long term care facilities, home and community care providers, Headwaters Health Care Centre and a long list of other health and social service providers, together with patients, families and caregivers within our community.

Watch our video to learn more

The aim is to bring together those involved in healthcare in areas of Ontario to improve both the patient’s and provider’s experiences as well as improve the overall quality of care.

Ontario Health Teams are a result of the Minister of Health’s restructuring of the Ontario healthcare system, which led to healthcare agencies and organizations forming into a single agency named Ontario Health. OHTs will be the new and improved vehicle to deliver services to patients and consist of collaborative teams for health providers to work within. The Hills of Headwaters Collaborative is Dufferin-Caledon’s OHT.

Learn more about Ontario Health Teams
View the Minister of Health Announcement

Yes, one of the key goals of the Hills of Headwaters Collaborative is to improve partnership with patients, caregivers and families. This team approach will include committees, councils, working groups and much more.

If you are interested in joining the Community Wellness Council as a volunteer patient, family, caregiver representative, please contact us.

The Hills of Headwaters Collaborative will achieve its goal by working together with family physicians, hospitals, patients, caregivers, long term care facilities, home care providers, social and municipal agencies to structure and streamline systems and policies to improve the overall quality of care in Dufferin-Caledon.

Open call for self-assessments
April 3, 2019

Deadline to submit self-assessments
May 15, 2019

Selected groups will be invited to submit a full application
July 17, 2019

Deadline to submit full applications
October 9, 2019

Announce Ontario Health Team Candidates
Fall 2019

Deadline for Second Round of Ontario Health Teams self-assessments
December 4, 2019