helps residents navigate where to get screened in Dufferin/Caledon

There are a lot of people in the Dufferin/Caledon area that are not up to date on their cancer screenings. Cancer is the leading cause of death in Canada, but when it is found early, it’s often easier to treat.

To help make screening information easier to find we created the website to help residents navigate where to get screened in Dufferin/Caledon. The website provides information on how to get screened for breast, cervical or colorectal cancer for those who have a family doctor and for those who do not. It also includes information on what to expect during the process and other frequently asked questions.

We encourage you to take an active role in your cancer prevention and hope you can encourage the loved ones in your life to do the same. If you’re in a certain age or population group in the Dufferin/Caledon area, it is recommended you go for regular screening tests that can help prevent breast, cervical and colorectal cancer.

Why should you get screened? A simple screening test can identify changes that if caught early, can help improve outcomes, may be easier to treat and could even save your life. You have a lot of memories to create, birthdays to celebrate and milestones to witness. Think about those you love and take an active role in cancer prevention. Do it for you and your family.

Where to get screened for Breast Cancer
A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast used to detect breast cancer. Mammograms are generally recommended for women aged 50 and older, although women at higher risk of developing breast cancer may be advised to start screening earlier.

“Women Aged 50-54 and Aged 70-74 are Less Likely to be Up-to-Date for Breast Cancer Screening.

Where to get screened for Cervical Cancer​

A PAP Test is a screening test used to detect changes in the cells of the cervix that could lead to cervical cancer. PAP tests are generally recommended for women aged 25 and older.

“Women Aged 25-29 are Less Likely to be Up-to-Date for Cervical Cancer Screening.” 

Where to get screened for Colorectal Cancer

A FIT Test is a free screening tool used to detect early signs of colon cancer. It is a simple, at-home stool test which detects tiny amounts of blood in the stool which could be an indication of colon cancer. FIT Tests are recommended for adults over the age of 50, especially men who are less likely to be up-to-date in colorectal screening in Dufferin/Caledon.

“Women have higher rates of up-to-date for colorectal screening across all age categories when compared to men.”

Visit to learn more about where to get screened in Dufferin/Caledon.


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